[FREE EBOOK]Excel Gurus Gone Wild: Do the IMPOSSIBLE with Microsoft Excel by Bill Jelen - XÂY DỰNG SỐ


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Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 2, 2020

[FREE EBOOK]Excel Gurus Gone Wild: Do the IMPOSSIBLE with Microsoft Excel by Bill Jelen

[FREE EBOOK]Excel Gurus Gone Wild: Do the IMPOSSIBLE with Microsoft Excel by Bill Jelen


What makes this book so good is that there is something for every Excel user. This book filled in some missing pieces for me that I've been wondering about for years (yes, it's true I think about Excel too often!) Whether it's statistical modeling or accounting there's something new you can pickup from Jelen. The commands list alone is worth to price of the book. Things I never knew Excel could do (convert currency to Euros for example) is explained in plain language. He even warns of functions that will cause Excel to crash! The best Excel book I own (and I have quite a few.
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